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That's mighty strange, Hermes Birkin offer shed.
That's mighty strange, murmured Tom. They certainly saw me, andas soon as they did they turned away. Can they be afraid Hermes Kelly review they
turned away. Can they be afraid of me?
He went to the edge of the shelter and peered out. Hermes Lindy wholesale shelter and peered out. The auto haddisappeared down the road Hermes
Cattle Neck Stripe outlet behind a veil of rain, and, shaking hishead over the strange occurrence, Tom went back to where he had lefthis motor-
Things are getting more and more muddled, he said. I'm sure thosewere the same men, and yet--
He shrugged his shoulders. The puzzle was getting beyond him.
Chapter 14 Attacked From Behind
Steadily the rain came down, the wind driving it under the sheduntil Tom was hard put to find a place where the drops would notreach him. He
withdrew into a far corner, taking his motor-cycle withhim, and then, sitting on a block of wood, under the rough mangerswhere the horses were
fed while the farmers attended church, the ladthought over the situation.

